Step #1 Fixing bad request errors

It is important that each of the website pages is optimized and is working correctly. The 400 bad request error hen a request sent to the website server is incorrect or corrupt, and the server receiving the request can’t understand it. Occasionally, the problem is on the website itself, and these errors may  cause your website visitors to leave your website and go to another website.

To ensure that you don't have this error on your website, use different devices to go to all the pages on your website, and this has to be done on a regular basis.

It is not only your website that can cause problems, but it is also the hosting company that can cause a problem.

Remember to have a copy of your website on a remote device that you can use later after find and fixing the problem.

When you do the troubleshooting to fix the problem check for the following;

You have to Check the URL of each page of your website to find all the pages with the 400 error code.

Clear the cookies on all the pages of your website and reload the cookies from the original file from your service provider.

Step #2 Website Loading speed

It is crucial that your website is loading correctly in the shortest amount of time. When the visitors to your website is looking for information they do not want to spend a long period waiting for your website to load. They will much rather leave your website and go to your competitor.

You can find your website loading speed on most of the website audit tools. The cause of your website loading slow may be one of the following;

  • Unoptimized Images
  • JavaScript Issues
  • Too Much Flash Content
  • Excessive HTTP Requests
  • Not Making Use of Caching Techniques
  • Unclean Code
  • Not Using gZIP Compression
  • Too Many Ads
  • Not Using a CDN Service
  • Bad Hosting

When you find and fix the problem you might find that the website visitors stay longer on your website. This will improve your website ranking as well.

Step #3 SEO Traffic

By conducting a website audit of your competitors website you will find useful information, especially the pages that is getting the most visitors, and the SEO's that they are ranking for.

This said, you have to check regularly your competitors websites to ensure that you are also getting traffic to your website.

This said, your competitors will always get more website visitors unless you want to get ahead of you competitors.

To be better than the competitors you have to do a keyword research on what people is searching for. And by giving the answer to what people is searching for you will increase your website's organic visitors. This has to be done regularly to ensure that you are giving the most valuable information to the keyword search on any search engine.

Step #3: Finding usability issues

Usability issues is when a website visitor is clicking on something on your website that they expect to do something and nothing happens. They might click on a photo, expecting to go some valuable information, and then nothing happens.

Or even worse, they might click on a area that they think is a link to related information, and than nothing happens. Normally the heat maps also indicate to where on your website the visitors scrolled on your website. When there is a sudden drop off on your website, it means that people was expecting more information that is not there. 

You will also find the there is specific areas that the visitors is clicking on, and you can build on that information. You will be surprised on what people is clicking on, and then you will also find the areas that people is rarely visiting. That you can build on your stronger points.

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